The annual general meeting 2023 in Eurobattery Minerals AB (the “Company”) was held today, 13 June 2023, whereby the shareholders passed the following resolutions.
Adoption of the income statement and balance sheet
The annual general meeting resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet.
Allocation of result
The annual general meeting resolved that all funds available to the annual general meeting shall be carried forward.
Discharge from liability
The members of the board of directors and the CEO were discharged from liability for the financial year 2022.
Election of the board of directors and auditor and remuneration
The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the shareholder DH Invest AB, that the board of directors shall consist of three board members without deputy board members. It was further resolved that the Company shall have a registered accounting firm as auditor.
Furthermore, it was resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the shareholder DH Invest AB, that an aggregate annual fee of SEK 410,000 shall be paid to the board members, of which SEK 250,000 to the chairman of the board of directors and SEK 80,000 to each of the other board members elected by the annual general meeting. It was resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the shareholder DH Invest AB, that the auditor’s fee shall be paid in accordance with approved invoice.
The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the shareholder DH Invest AB, to re-elect Henrik Johannesson, Jan Olof Arnbom and Roberto Garcia Martinez as members of the board of directors. Henrik Johannesson was re-elected chairman of the board of directors.
Baker Tilly MLT Kommanditbolag was re-elected as auditor. Baker Tilly MLT Kommanditbolag has informed the Company that the authorised public accountant Stein Karlsen will be the auditor in charge.
Resolution to issue performance shares to the Company’s CEO
The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal, to issue performance shares to the Company’s CEO, Roberto Garcia Martinez. The complete proposal is included in the notice to the annual general meeting which was published on 12 May 2023.
Resolution on incentive program for the Company’s CEO
The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal, on an incentive program for the Company’s CEO. The complete proposal is included in the notice to the annual general meeting which was published on 12 May 2023.
Issue authorisation
The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal, to authorise the board of directors to, on one or several occasions until the next annual general meeting, with or without deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights, against payment in cash, non-cash consideration or through set-off, resolve on new issues of shares, convertibles or warrants corresponding to 40 percent of the total number of shares in the Company as of the date of the annual general meeting 2023.
Stockholm, 25 May 2023 – The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM”; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”) today published its report for the first quarter 2023.
“With an additional 30% acquisition of the Hautalampi project and the positive results of the pre-feasibility study, we are closer to mining in Finland. In combination with a successful capital raise and positive first results from our research partnership on rare earth elements, we are off to a good start in 2023”, said Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery Minerals.
Strategic and operational highlights for the first quarter of 2023
- Eurobattery Minerals announced the completion of the pre-feasibility study for its Finnish Hautalampi mining project. The study concludes that with a conservative metal price, and a total capital expenditure of EUR 65.1 million (excluding contingency), the payback period is 4.6 years, with an anticipated 12 years of mining operations.
- The company announced an additional 30% stake acquisition of FinnCobalt and the Hautalampi project. Altogether, Eurobattery Minerals’ stake in FinnCobalt Oy will amount to 70% following the impending acquisition.
- Hautalampi project’s environmental impact assessment update report was submitted to the North Karelia Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment for official review as part of the assessment.
- The company announced first results from the new research partnership outlining new methods for large-scale extraction of rare earth elements (REEs), allowing nearly 100% REEs recovery in its Fetsjön project in Sweden.
- Eckhard Cordes, Chairman of the Board of Bilfinger and former member of the Board of Management of Daimler, as well as former Board member of Volvo, exercised warrants and will become a shareholder in Eurobattery Minerals.
Key financial figures for Q1 2023
- Net sales amounted to SEK 0 thousand (Q1 2022: SEK 0 thousand).
- Operating profit/loss after financial items totalled SEK -3,288 thousand (Q1 2022: SEK -2,357 thousand).
- Earnings per share after financial items before dilution amounted to SEK -0.20 (Q1 2022: SEK -0.15).
- Earnings per share after financial items after dilution amounted to SEK -0.12 (Q1 2022: SEK -0.15).
- Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 1,388 thousand (Q1 2022: SEK 540 thousand).
Significant events after the period
- Eurobattery Minerals will receive approximately SEK 17.4 million through warrant redemption.
- The Hautalampi ore reserves and minerals resources reserves have been classified in the highest categories as viable mining projects in the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC).
Detailed financial information
The Q1 report for 2023 of Eurobattery Minerals AB is available for download at the Company’s website and can be viewed in the attachment of the release (see below).
Stockholm, 23 May 2023 – The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM”; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”) today published its 2022 annual report.
Please note that this press release is a correction since the previous press release sent out did not include information regarding the specific information in the auditor’s report as included below as well as a comment from the company.
Significant uncertainty regarding the going concern assumption
Without prejudice to my opinion above, I would like to draw attention to the statement in the Directors’ Report that the company is dependent on further capital injections in 2023 to ensure its continued operation.
The Board is negotiating with external stakeholders for a long-term solution to strengthen the company’s liquidity and equity. It is the Board’s assessment that there are good opportunities for continued financing.
The above indicates that there is a material uncertainty, which may cast significant doubt on the company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
Eurobattery Minerals comment to the auditors report
The auditors’ comment is based on the fact that Eurobattery Minerals is a growth company and is financed through external capital. In April 2023, the company announced that it will receive approximately SEK 17.4 million through warrant redemption. Further, in the first quarter of 2023, the company announced the completion of the pre-feasibility study for its Finnish Hautalampi mining project. The study concludes that with a conservative metal price, and a total capital expenditure of EUR 65.1 million (excluding contingency), the payback period is 4.6 years, with an anticipated 12 years of mining operations. Considering the recent development of the company and completed issues, negotiations with potential off-takers and partners in light of and positive results from its project in Finland, the Board of Directors believes that the prospects are very good to continue to develop the business.
“In 2022, we took crucial steps to realise our strategy to mine European and responsible battery minerals to power the electric vehicle and clean energy industry. During 2023 the management and the Board of Directors are negotiating with various external parties and potential off-take partners in order to secure the company’s financial capacity to develop and accelerate the company’s project pipeline and to become a European mining and mineral raw materials supplier”, said Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery Minerals.
Strategic and operational highlights 2022
Finnish Hautalampi mine: Significant advances in preparations for the start of the mine with 40% stake acquisition, the final verdict for mining concession proceeding and an independent report concluding that the mineral resources in the mine project have almost doubled.
Spanish Corcel mine project: Economic upside as independent report and metallurgical study (covering only 10 % of the whole mine lease) concludes that the nickel in Corcel is sufficient to manufacture half a million 60 kWh car batteries and worth EUR 113.9 million. With the necessary information provided to authorities for environmental and operational permits, the open pit mine project is significantly closer to operations.
Swedish exploration permits: Research collaboration on rare earth elements and extension of all exploration permits during 2022.
Detailed financial information
The 2022 Annual Report of Eurobattery Minerals AB is available for download at the company’s website and can be viewed in the attachment of the release (see below).
Stockholm, 23 May 2023 – The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM”; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”) today published its 2022 annual Report.
“In 2022, we took crucial steps to realise our strategy to mine European and responsible battery minerals to power the electric vehicle and clean energy industry. During 2023 the management and the Board of Directors are negotiating with various external parties and potential off-take partners in order to secure the company’s financial capacity to develop and accelerate the company’s project pipeline and to become a European mining and mineral raw materials supplier”, said Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery Minerals.
Strategic and operational highlights 2022
Finnish Hautalampi mine: Significant advances in preparations for the start of the mine with 40% stake acquisition, the final verdict for mining concession proceeding and an independent report concluding that the mineral resources in the mine project have almost doubled.
Spanish Corcel mine project: Economic upside as independent report and metallurgical study (covering only 10 % of the whole mine lease) concludes that the nickel in Corcel is sufficient to manufacture half a million 60 kWh car batteries and worth EUR 113.9 million. With the necessary information provided to authorities for environmental and operational permits, the open pit mine project is significantly closer to operations.
Swedish exploration permits: Research collaboration on rare earth elements and extension of all exploration permits during 2022.
Detailed financial information
The 2022 Annual Report of Eurobattery Minerals AB is available for download at the company’s website and can be viewed in the attachment of the release (see below).
Stockholm, 10 May 2023. The Board of Directors of Eurobattery Minerals AB (“Eurobattery” or the “Company”) has decided to reschedule the Company’s Annual General Meeting for Tuesday, 13 June 2023. The meeting had previously been scheduled for Thursday, 15 June 2023.
Stockholm, 4 April 2023 – The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM”; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”) carried out a rights issue of units with subscription period from 7 December to 21 December 2022 (the “Rights issue”) consisting of shares and warrants of series TO3 (the “Warrants”). Those who subscribed in the Rights issue during the subscription period thereby received for each (1) unit one (1) new share in the Company and one (1) Warrant. Each (1) Warrant entailed the right to subscribe for one (1) new share in Eurobattery at a subscription price of SEK 2.44 per share. The subscription period extended until 31 March 2023 and a total of 7,134,746 Warrants were used for subscription of shares in the Company, corresponding to a subscription rate of approximately 57.1 per cent. The Company will thereby receive proceeds of approximately SEK 17.4 million before issue costs. The issue proceeds will be used for further investments in the Corcel and Hautalampi projects as well as for financial flexibility to enable future potentially interesting M&A possibilities.
Number of shares and share capital
Through the share issue the Company will receive gross proceeds of approximately SEK 17.4 million. The number of shares will increase by 7,134,746 shares, from 26,012,240 shares to 33,146,986 shares, when the new shares are registered by the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The share capital will increase by SEK 7,134,746, from SEK 26,012,240 to SEK 33,146,986, which implies a dilution of approximately 21.5 per cent.
“We are pleased and grateful for the trust bestowed upon us by our shareholders and warrant holders. With the capital we have just raised, we intend to turn vision in to action and continue the successful development of Hautalampi and Corcel, with the end goal to start mining and supplying Europe with ethical and fully traceable battery minerals”, says Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery.
Augment Partners AB acted as financial adviser and Bird & Bird Advokat KB acted as legal adviser in the transaction.
Stockholm, 28 March 2023 – The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM”; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”) today announces that the Company’s chairman of the board Henrik Johannesson, board member and CEO Roberto García Martínez, and CFO Mattias Modén as well as future shareholder Eckhard Cordes are exercising a total of 792,299 warrants of series TO3 (the “Warrants”), corresponding to approximately 6.3 percent of the total number of outstanding Warrants, for the subscription of shares in Eurobattery amounting to a total of approximately SEK 1.9 million. The last day of trading in Warrants is today, 28 March 2023.
Eurobattery has received indications that the following members of the Board of Directors and management are exercising Warrants for the subscription of shares in the Company:
- Henrik Johannesson – 159,000 Warrants, corresponding to approximately SEK 388.0 thousand.
- Nazgero Consulting Services LTD (Roberto García Martínez) – 153,318 Warrants, corresponding to approximately SEK 374.1 thousand.
- Mattias Modén – 19,981 Warrants, corresponding to approximately SEK 48.8 thousand.
The Company also announces that board member and CEO Roberto García Martínez has acquired an additional 232,940 Warrants and will transfer a total of 460,000 Warrants to the German business executive Eckhard Cordes. Cordes, who among other things is active as chairman of the board of Bilfinger SE and former member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG as well as former board member of Volvo AB, will be exercising the 460,000 Warrants for the subscription of shares in the Company amounting to approximately SEK 1.1 million. Cordes will thereby become a shareholder in Eurobattery with the intention to increase his holdings in the Company in the future.
“Our 2023 has started off strong with positive results, particularly from our Finnish Hautalampi project. We look forward with confidence to the rest of the year and are proud that Eckhard Cordes – a reputable business executive within the European financial sector – has chosen to become a shareholder in Eurobattery Minerals”, says Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery.
Terms for the Warrants in brief
- Holders of Warrants have the right to subscribe for one (1) new share in the Company for each (1) held Warrant at a subscription price of SEK 2.44 per share.
- The subscription price corresponds to a discount of 30 percent to the volume-weighted average price of the Company’s share on NGM Nordic SME during the period from 6 March through 17 March 2023.
- The number of outstanding Warrants is 12,505,435, which upon full subscription would imply an increase of 12,505,435 shares in the Company, from 26,012,240 shares to 38,517,675 shares, and an increase in the share capital of SEK 12,505,435, from SEK 26,012,240 to SEK 38,517,675.
- Upon full exercise of the Warrants, the Company will receive a maximum of approximately SEK 30.5 million before issue costs.
- The subscription period runs from 20 March to 31 March 2023.
- The last day of trading in Warrants is today, 28 March 2023.
- The outcome is expected to be published on 4 April 2023.
- For existing investors who do not participate in the issue of shares by exercising Warrants, the dilution will be approximately 32.5 percent upon full exercise of the outstanding Warrants.
For more information about the Warrants, please see the complete terms which are available on the Company’s issue site,
Augment Partners AB acted as financial adviser and Bird & Bird Advokat KB acted as legal adviser in the transaction.
About Eurobattery Minerals
Eurobattery Minerals AB is a Swedish mining company listed on Swedish Nordic Growth Market (BAT) and German Börse Stuttgart (EBM). With the vision to make Europe self-sufficient in responsibly mined battery minerals, the company’s focus is to realize numerous nickel-cobalt-copper projects in Europe to supply critical raw materials and, as such, power a cleaner world.
Please visit for more information. Feel free to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter as well.
Contact Eurobattery Minerals AB
Roberto García Martínez – CEO
Contact Investor Relations
Augment Partners AB is the mentor to Eurobattery Minerals AB
Phone: +46 (0) 86 042 255
Stockholm, 27 March 2023 – The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM“; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”) received the first results from the research partnership with Uppsala University in collaboration with AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. The results outline new methods for large-scale extraction of rare earth elements (REEs) in its Fetsjön project in Sweden. REEs are critical raw materials for the battery industry & new energy solutions. With almost 100% imports from outside the EU, the region has set a target to increase its self-sufficiency.
Key points
- The new ground-breaking method developed and tested allows close to 100% recovery of REEs from Fetsjön and bordering Rönnberget apatite minerals.
- Previous analysis of the complete REE-bearing shale formation that covers Eurobattery Minerals Fetsjön and Rönnberget exploration targets is estimated to be 165,000 to 180,000 tons of REEs. The magnitude of the exploration target was confirmed in a NI43-101 technical report by a qualified person.
- Recovery of the REEs can be made through chemical treatment at low temperatures, thus avoiding costly and time-consuming mechanical treatment. Low-temperature treatment allows for the circular use of the chemicals.
- Next step: additional tests on detailed characterization of the REE-bearing minerals and possibly large-scale pilot plant shortly.
“These are extremely exciting results from our joint research project. According to previous analyses, we know that our Fetsjön project, and bordering Rönnberget, have large occurrences of REEs. As these first results suggest, with a close to 100% recovery rate, this would mean that we have a very significant rare earth elements deposit in hand, where we could apply a new revolutionary recovery method,” said Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery Minerals.
Based on drill core samples from Eurobattery Minerals Fetsjön prospect area in northern Sweden (see appendix 1 for more details about Fetsjön and Rönnberget), the scientists have performed a detailed mineralogical and geochemical study of shales and identified the minerals carrying REEs, mainly apatite. Due to its composition, the Fetsjön carbonate-apatite shale is particularly well suited for leaching REEs by modern methods according to the scientists.
The Uppsala-Krakow team has developed a new, low-cost, and efficient method for beneficiation of REEs from apatites and similar mineralization (please see appendix 2 for more details) to obtain as high as 100% of the REEs from the Fetsjön deposits containing apatites, carbonate minerals, and other REE carriers. Further to this, the process identified is very efficient both from a cost and time perspective as it enables the extraction of REEs using only chemical treatment at low temperatures, thus avoiding the step of mechanical pretreatment and heating. Furthermore, the low-temperature treatment means that the chemical can be recycled and reused again.
“REEs consist of scandium, yttrium, and the lanthanides which are critical components for electrification, so there is a huge demand for raw materials. However, extracting REEs, particularly from apatites, is often very challenging. Therefore, I am excited about the preliminary results from our project showing that our new approach allows obtaining such high percentages and do it solely with chemical treatment of the carbonate-apatite rock,” said Prof. Jaroslaw Majka at Uppsala University.
EU classifies REEs as critical raw materials; today, the region is almost 100% dependent on imports. EU is therefore pushing for more European recovery of REEs.
“In this context, Eurobattery Minerals, its project in Fetsjön and the research collaboration play a significant role in increasing Europe’s self-sufficiency of responsibly mined battery minerals,” said Roberto García Martínez.
The project will now continue with additional tests on detailed characterization. Further, the parties are investigating the opportunity for a large-scale pilot plant in the near future.
The research project is conducted by Prof. Jaroslaw Majka at Uppsala University and Prof. Maciej Manecki at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow supported by Ph.D. candidate Julia Sordyl representing both universities.
For more information, please see the enclosed attachment.
About Eurobattery Minerals
Eurobattery Minerals AB is a Swedish mining company listed on Swedish Nordic Growth Market (BAT) and German Börse Stuttgart (EBM). With the vision to make Europe self-sufficient in responsibly mined battery minerals, the company’s focus is to realize numerous nickel-cobalt-copper projects in Europe to supply critical raw materials and, as such, power a cleaner world.
Please visit for more information. Feel free to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter as well.
Contact Eurobattery Minerals AB
Roberto García Martínez – CEO
Contact Investor Relations
Augment Partners AB is the mentor to Eurobattery Minerals AB
Phone: +46 (0) 86 042 255
Stockholm, 22 March 2023 – The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM”; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”), today announces that FinnCobalt Oy has submitted Hautalampi-projects environmental impact assessment (EIA) update report to the North Karelia Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment (“ELY-centre “) for official review as part of the assessment. Eurobattery Minerals owns 40 % of FinnCobalt Oy and Hautalampi project and has decided to acquire additional 30 %.
“Completing the environmental impact assessment is critical in our journey to mine battery minerals in Hautalampi, and to do it responsibly. Following this, our team in Finland will immediately proceed with the environmental permit application”, said Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery Minerals.
The recently updated EIA assessment will present the most updated status of the Hautalampi mine project’s environment, the environmental effects of the assessed options, their significance, and a comparison of the assessed options. The now-delivered update gives detailed information about the project’s effect on the groundwater level, bedrock subsidence, blasting vibrations and discharge water quality, and impact on the receiving watercourse. Also, the project mass and water usage balance have been updated to reflect the current planning status.
The report comprises two different options for the tailings storage facility. Envineer Oy has compiled the assessment together with FinnCobalt Oy’s personnel and other consultants.
The EIA procedure commenced in December 2020 when the EIA program was submitted to the authorities. The EIA assessment and recent updates have been drafted based on the EIA program and the competent authority’s official statements on the program.
The EIA procedure will continue with a public hearing and will be concluded by the authorities’ official reasoned conclusion, which is due latest 4 months from filing the EIA. FinnCobalt has informed Eurobattery Minerals AB that it will immediately proceed with the environmental permit application.
The report will be available (only in Finnish) here
About Eurobattery Minerals
Eurobattery Minerals AB is a Swedish mining company listed on Swedish Nordic Growth Market (BAT) and German Börse Stuttgart (EBM). With the vision to make Europe self-sufficient in responsibly mined battery minerals, the company’s focus is to realize numerous nickel-cobalt-copper projects in Europe to supply critical raw materials and, as such, power a cleaner world.
Please visit for more information. Feel free to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter as well.
Contact Eurobattery Minerals AB
Roberto García Martínez – CEO
Contact Investor Relations
Augment Partners AB is the mentor to Eurobattery Minerals AB
Phone: +46 (0) 86 042 255
Stockholm, 21 March 2023 – The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM”; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”), today announces that the Company is exercising its option to acquire 30 per cent of the shares in FinnCobalt Oy (“FinnCobalt”), the owner of the ground and mining rights to the nickel–cobalt–copper project Hautalampi. This constitutes the Company’s second acquisition within the scope of its contracted right to acquire 100 per cent of the shares in FinnCobalt in a staged process until May 2024. Altogether, Eurobattery’s share of ownership in FinnCobalt will amount to 70 per cent after the now impending acquisition. The acquisition is of great significance for the Company’s planned development of the Hautalampi project and the goal to establish a battery mineral mine with production and sales within a mid-term horizon. The consideration for the stake acquisition will be paid partly in cash and partly through a directed issue of shares to the three founders of FinnCobalt.
“We are very pleased to continue to deliver on our strategy to provide battery minerals from Europe to Europe, now as the majority owner of the Hautalampi mine project. With the pre-feasibility study just announced we know that the economic outlook for the battery mineral mine in Finland is strong,” said Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery Minerals.
Financial details of the stake acquisition
The Board of Directors of Eurobattery has informed the three founders and initial owners of FinnCobalt that the Company will exercise the second option of the investment and shareholder agreement entailing the option to acquire FinnCobalt in a staged process which was entered into on 11 May 2020 and which became effective on 27 May 2020. This means that Eurobattery, before 27 July 2023, should exercise said option by paying a total cash amount of EUR 250,002 and issuing shares in Eurobattery amounting to a value of EUR 1,000,002 to the three founders of FinnCobalt. These two actions will be taken parallelly and simultaneously. The cash part of the consideration will be paid from the Company’s cash. The share part of the consideration will be paid through a directed issue of shares. The subscription price in the directed share issue will correspond to the volume-weighted average price of the Company’s share on NGM Nordic SME during the ten trading days preceding the issue decision.
Effects of the acquisition
- Eurobattery will acquire 30 per cent of the shares in FinnCobalt. The Company’s stake in FinnCobalt will thereby increase from 40 per cent to 70 per cent of the capital and the votes.
- The stake acquisition of FinnCobalt is expected to be completed during the second quarter of 2023. FinnCobalt is expected to be consolidated into Eurobattery’s financial statements from the date of admission.
- As a majority owner, Eurobattery will have controlling influence on the resolutions of the Board in FinnCobalt.
- Eurobattery will also have the right, but no obligation, to nominate the Chairman of the Board and two ordinary Board members and their personal deputy members in FinnCobalt.
The Hautalampi project in brief
The Hautalampi project is located near Outokumpu, Finland, in the same spot as the well-renowned Keretti mine where approximately 28.5 million tonnes of rock with a copper content of 3.8 per cent were mined between 1912–1989. The project consists of one mining concession covering 227 hectares with exposure towards nickel, cobalt, and copper, and a nearby reservation. The area benefits from well-developed surface and underground infrastructure as well as strong local support for mining. An estimated EUR 10–15 million had been invested in the project by previous owners before the project was assumed by Eurobattery in the spring of 2020. In June 2021 Eurobattery was able to increase the project’s measured, indicated and inferred resource tonnage by approximately 100 per cent and the metal content by approximately 50 per cent. In October 2022 the Company was able to confirm a further increase in the metal content of approximately 40 per cent. On 20 March 2023, the Company published a preliminary feasibility study (PFS) for the Hautalampi project which highlighted the opportunities and potential challenges of advancing the development of the Hautalampi deposit.
About Eurobattery Minerals
Eurobattery Minerals AB is a Swedish mining company listed on Swedish Nordic Growth Market (BAT) and German Börse Stuttgart (EBM). With the vision to make Europe self-sufficient in responsibly mined battery minerals, the company’s focus is to realize numerous nickel-cobalt-copper projects in Europe to supply critical raw materials and, as such, power a cleaner world.
Please visit for more information. Feel free to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter as well.
Contact Eurobattery Minerals AB
Roberto García Martínez – CEO
Contact Investor Relations
Augment Partners AB is the mentor to Eurobattery Minerals AB
Phone: +46 (0) 86 042 255