Ich freue mich sehr, Ihnen den Bericht für das zweite Quartal 2021 vorlegen zu können. Langsam kehren Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft wieder in einen Normalzustand zurück. Wir sehen […]
Nun blicken wir schon auf einen guten Teil des Jahres 2021 zurück. Inzwischen sind wir weitergekommen mit unseren Batteriemineralien-Projekten in Finnland, Spanien […]
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, verehrte Anteilseigner, das Ziel von Eurobattery Minerals ist, die Batteriemineralien zu liefern, mit denen die gesamtgesellschaftliche Energiewende möglich […]
Das 4. Quartal rundet ein sehr aktives Jahr von Eurobattery Minerals ab, und ich freue mich über die Fortschritte.
During the third quarter, we have developed our operations further across our projects in Finland, Spain and Sweden, and overall as a company via a successful rights issue subscribed to 209 percent. In […]
During the year BAT has made some significant advancements in delivering on its vision to help Europe and the booming EV industry to become self-sufficient in ethical and fully […]
I strongly believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will fuel a number of major shifts in mindset and practices around the globe in many different disciplines, fields and industries. Most of the change will be positive. […]
The transition to electric vehicles (EV) is one of the key contributors to achieving the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. As such, the industry and its suppliers have a huge responsibility for ensuring […]
The transformation of the transport and vehicle industry towards greater electrification is set to continue. At Eurobattery Minerals, we are committed to becoming an important part of this value chain and as such, to contribute to a more sustainable future. […]
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